Advanced sessions
Playing in a group of 16-20 children in their specific age groups, working to our specific syllabus, which is fun, challenging, realistic and age appropriate. Our syllabus mainly consists of individual techniques, game understanding and principles of team play.
The structure of the course
The course runs alongside the boy’s club season of September to May (30 sessions). The course is priced at £200 with an additional £30 for a full new kit. All our groups work to our age specific syllabus which works on all aspects of the game, including Ball manipulation, Passing & receiving, learning different techniques, defending, small, sided games (1v1 2v2 3v3 4v4 5v5). Each session lasts 55 minutes per week on their specific night, with our younger groups working indoors (5-6pm) and older groups outdoors (6-6:55pm).
The sessions we deliver
Over the 30 sessions, our aim is to improve the players’ “technical ability”. Working through our specially designed syllabus to work on all parts of the players’ game throughout the year. Each week we aim to work between 30-45 minutes finishing the sessions off with game scenarios.
In agreement with Gosforth Academy, the children will leave the pitches at 5 to the hour to allow for the sessions that follow us on to start promptly.
Our kit
We feel it is important for all our players representing our programme to wear the same kit. We believe this instills good habits from a young age of our players. Our kit is priced at £30 for a full playing kit (Shirt, Shorts & Socks) which is at a subsidised cost thanks to our kit sponsor. From the 2024-2025 season we will be updating and ordering new kit for all the Advanced & Development programme participant.